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Deer trap

The hole from the original sewage clean-out is gone. I'm only slightly disappointed, as I was speculating how we could use it to trap deer.
Instead, we have the Marianas trench through our yard. And our driveway.

All the pipe has been laid and connected. Unfortunately the plumbing in the basement bathroom has been discovered to be not actual plumbing, but 3" electrical conduit. So that's going to be dug up, too. Or rather busted out of the concrete. Which will be an additional expense. I'm going to have to hock a kidney or something.

My mantra has been "God willing, we will never have to have this done ever again." Mr. Unreserved has suggested that we consider paying the gas company's $3/month gas line insurance. Not a bad idea.

It would likely be less expensive than buying that pretty blue excavator.

Oh Yuck!! But I agree, it should be done for a lifetime. Wow, conduit for plumbing in the basement :(

Posted from Salt Lake City, Utah.

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  • From Pittsburgh, United States
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